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I am currently a junior at Burr and Burton Academy. I live in Rutland, Vermont with my parents, my twin sister Leah, and my two cats. In school, I play the clarinet, am involved in the theater program, and am on the Model UN Team.


After being born in San Francisco, my family moved to Rutland, Vermont following a month long drive across the country in which I turned 4. From Kindergarten to 8th Grade I went to Rutland Town School where I was in band, chorus and was on Student Council. I briefly played basketball when I was in 5th grade but was very, very bad and quit. 


I have been in three BBA Productions: Pippin, Harvey, (both 2017) and Rent (2018). In the fall semester of my sophomore year, I was enrolled in a drama class and got to work with the B Block cinematography students. I was in a commercial for "BBA Uber" and was in a short horror film. I don't think ever of them ended up getting finished. 


I signed up for cinematography after getting a ticket to last year's Gawlik Awards after recording my voice for the opening song. After seeing the students working when I was in drama class and then seeing all the nominated film, I was inspired to take the class. 


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