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  • Upcoming Prisms Concert- talk to Neil Freebern about the concept and what to expect of the next Prisms concert

  • Parking at Burr and Burton- talk to Nancy Biller about the current issues with the parking situation at BBA

  • Flu Season- talk to health center at BBA about recent cases at BBA and/or visit the Southwestern Vermont Medical Center which just updated its visiting policy to ask that people with the flu not visit

chinese new year

            For this project, I worked with Asa, Egan. and Steven. Our original plan was to chase Asa's idea of interviewing snow plow drivers. We called several snow plow companies and were unable to find people willing to be interviewed. We tried to get in contact with people through the Vermont Agency of Transportation but never got a call back. After that, we decided to pursue our back up plan of interviewing the janitorial staff. We scheduled a time which was cancelled because of understaffing. Then, as a split decision, we decided to do a Q&A bit with Steven about Chinese New Year. We took shots but had to retake half of them because of bad lighting and composition.


           Another obstacle was that we decided to do Steven's interview outside but had to wait for cars passing by. We had to reshoot his shots too because he didn't have anything written down and we were unable to cut down his responses to form cohesive answers. Once we were happy with all of our shots, Egan started editing it together. We considered rescheduling another time to interview the janitorial staff but since we only had 2 days left and considering all the issues we had the first time, we decided not to. 

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            To the left is a screenshot of Egan editing together our Chinese New Year news story. For my involvement in this project, I asked a question (which eventually got cut) and I helped direct shots while Egan worked the camera and Asa worked lights. I learned a little bit more about how the camera works but wanted Egan to do it because I knew he knew what he was doing. When I realized that the shots were not good, I told the group how to set them up to make a better shot. 

            This project taught me the most about how to work with people and how to each do a part to create something. We faced a lot of obstacles and even though we didn't end up doing two news stories as originally planned, we made one news story I think that we can all be proud of. Next time I want to have a better plan and become more involved. 

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